A quick flashcard tool for Māori Language Week

A quick learning tool I made for our staff for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week). Just some te reo translations of the tools used by WorkSafe inspectors while visiting a work site.
A quick learning tool I made for our staff for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week). Just some te reo translations of the tools used by WorkSafe inspectors while visiting a work site.
The Machu Picchu VR project has won the Gold Award in the highly competitive Sustainability Category at the 2020 QS-Wharton Reimagine Education Conference! Around 1500 groups representing educational technology companies, universities and education-focused NGOs from 74 countries submitted projects for…
Theme Change The new theme I selected has a fresher look that connects better to the NMIT colours, the changes are purely around colour and fonts and not interaction or changes of tool locations except for three new features: Accessibility…
Working on a redesign of our Moodle Course pages. Working from the Moove Theme and using Multitopic Format.
A reference library and micro-course for those new or transitioning to online teaching; providing helpful resources and activities for enabling, enhancing and extending online student engagement and learning.
The standard practice at NMIT for planning out how a course was going to be delivered and what content and activities were going to be in it was to use a word document like this: While this did provide tutors…
This is my quick and opinionated guide on how to write assessments for those new to the topic. Feel free to write a comment below if you feel I have missed anything. What is an assessment? This guide is interested…
This iteration, appears as a “toast” message. Disappearing within 10 seconds. Unfortunatly I am still unable to display when the next assessment is or how many students are currently active. These two elements are pretty key. One other problem I…
This is the design modification I am currently using in Moodle. A lot more slicker I think. Based on the Snap theme.
When doing course design, I am often developing over the work previously created by others. They can soon become overly cluttered with new material. The solution to many is to just provide more instructions or tutorials on how to use…
This was a quick test of using photogrammetry in Unity. Josh from Dronemate in Nelson scanned the new CGI Lab (before it had computers). I quickly threw in some smoke, spooky music and Slenderman for a Halloween theme. As you…
You should never watch movies on your phone – as David Lynch so eloquently puts it: But that doesn’t mean you can’t use your phone to make a movie or at least in our context a short educational video. With…
This is a printable cheatsheet that I made for my tutorials on filming using your phone.
“If the statistics are boring, then you’ve got the wrong numbers.” ― Edward Tufte (pioneer of data visualization ) Bar-charts and pie-charts tend to be the most used charts, personally I am a fan of Venn diagrams. I wish I had this…
This video on Twitter had quite an immediate visceral reaction, from its viewers. Perhaps with you as well. The responses on Twitter were very binary: “No, just no” “I haven’t seen a class of kids so engaged in my teaching…
A well written Learning Outcome is crucial to what we do, but the process of making them can be tedious and it can sometimes feel that we are turning our expansive field of interest into something clinical, dry and scientific.…
A tutor came to my department looking for a better way to simplify an activity she had been doing in her courses. She had a favourite interactive CD that she had to borrow from the Library at the start of…
A compilation of some of the famous models used in learning design. I made none of these. This was for sticking up on the wall next to me.
Recently I found this clip from 1973 in the documentary BBS: The Documentary (2005). “A highly interactive graphic based individualized computer-based education system” “self-paced and tailored to the needs of each individual student”. It is the dream of many an…
A scene from the terrible movie “Better off Dead” that really demonstrates the problems of traditional chalk and talk teaching.
A document for tutors on the redesign I did of the Course pages. Files to edit.
Giving students their own digital domain is a radical act. It gives them the ability to work on the Web and with the Web, to have their scholarship be meaningful and accessible by others. It allows them to demonstrate their…
A onepage website I made to introduce new staff to Moodle.
In this project I was given the brief to create a onepage introduction to selective breeding of Greenshell Muscles for SPATnz. It includes Interactive Videos, Interactive Graphics, a glossary and a timeline.
Te Aro School Year 6 students redesign the Te Aro Shops using Minetest (an open source clone of Minecraft). (Source: )
Victoria’s 3d models made virtually real. Using an Oculus Rift for the eyes and a Makey Makey and Playdoh for the legs.
Ian’s models brought to life through using a Leap Motion (to grab objects) and a Wii Balance Board (to move).
Troy’s project using Wii Controller in a pocket to sense when the viewer is walking. This then drives the animation forward. The animation is about the practices around the coffee making process in Ethiopia.
Playing games we made on our new Arcade Machine.
Digital Counter I made to find the flow of traffic going in and out of the beehives at Te Aro School. Made with an Arduino, a PIR sensor and an LCD Shield. The students should be able to compare data…
Troy’s project
Victoria’s project
Troy’s Project
This was my office space on Cuba Street. I love our office wall.
Luke’s Musical Beans using a Makey Makey.
* Introduction to video mapping * Introduction to live video-art performance * TASK: Research and write blog post on Interactive-Art history. * Work on Projects
* Introduction to Arduino Micro-controllers * Introduction to Wiring programming * TASK: Experiment with Arduinos to power lights, speakers * Work on projects
* Programming in Unity * Introduction to Visual Patching Languages * Introduction to MIT’s Scratch Visual Programming Language * Work on project
* Further discussion into adoption of interactivity in current projects * Introduction into coding using the artist coding language – processing.org * Introduction to other interactive software – vvvv, PureData, Max(MSP), MIT Scratch. * Task: Create interactive “toy” using processing.js…
Brief introduction to different techniques Class trip to Te Papa to look at the interactivity in use at the dinosaur exhibition Task: Create alternative game controllers using Makey Makeys Introduction to creating environments in Unity Tested 3d and motion capture…
A Mesoamerican pyramid built by Brooklyn School students in 40 minutes using Minetest (an open source alternative to Minecraft)
Making looping animated gifs from YouTube videos using Gifcam.
A font made at Te Aro School.
Two Maori Legends and a trip through our solar system by Year 3 students at Te Aro School. Using Stykz.
Most important thing sorted for holiday programme. Can’t do this in school class.
A project I developed with Claire Hopkins at the Wellington City Gallery. “A new exhibition of fruit at City Gallery is encouraging Wellingtonians to get creative and compose. The crew at City Gallery Wellington have been perfecting their banana piano…
A TV show I initiated, set-up and produced while working at Brooklyn School. Using a Green Screen, Sony Vegas Video, 2 Flip HD camera’s and a GoPro. Uploaded to Youtube, shared on school website and Facebook page and then played…