The Treaty of Waitangi Interactive Video conversion

A tutor came to my department looking for a better way to simplify an activity she had been doing in her courses. She had a favourite interactive CD that she had to borrow from the Library at the start of every course. The CD is out of print and made of Flash videos – but it was still the best resource she could find for teaching the Treaty of Waitangi.

My solution was to copy the videos from the CD, join them together (using VLC) then uploading to NMIT’s YouTube account. H5P was then used as a wrapper to add bookmarks to the chapter points.

This now makes the resource more accessible to other courses and for students to be able to watch it in a more convenient time. And as it is now an H5P video we can add supplemental links and reinforcing questions at the end. It’s a great resource.

The Treaty of Waitangi: Te Tiriti o Waitangi [DVD]. (2006). Wellington, New Zealand: The Treaty of Waitangi Information Unit.

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