Alan Proctor-Thomson

Alan Proctor-Thomson

A short documentary I made about Saul Bass’s involvement in Alfred Hitchcock’s film Psycho. In particular the Shower Scene.  When I get access to a better microphone- I will record a new voice over. (Source: )

Earlier this year I introduced Minecraft to Year 7 and Year 8 students at Brooklyn School, Wellington. Since then they have created a developed city on a parent’s Minecraft server. This is an edited tour of it. These slightly socially isolated…

The brief was to make a black and white animation around the title of ‘Shadow Shadow’. I created a hand drawn animation in Flash and used Maya to create the 3d effect. I pulled it together in Sony Vegas. Unfortunately…

Logotypes made with Random rotation, colour combinations. I based it on the new generative MIT Media Labs logo concept and the title credits of Saul Bass.