5 Minute Moodle
A onepage website I made to introduce new staff to Moodle.
Twin Peaks Finale Viewing Party
View More...Twin Peaks Finale Viewing PartySPATnz site
In this project I was given the brief to create a onepage introduction to selective breeding of Greenshell Muscles for SPATnz. It includes Interactive Videos, Interactive Graphics, a glossary and a timeline.
We’re off to Nelson, but we want to see you all before we leave. So come over any time with kids or without. Bring drinks and we’ll probably get pizza. PLUS Darts, Arcade Machine, Just Dance and self-service dj-ing.
Students redesigning Te Aro village with Minecraft
Te Aro School Year 6 students redesign the Te Aro Shops using Minetest (an open source clone of Minecraft). (Source: )
My kids are dangerous
View More...My kids are dangerousFox Glacier over 10 years
Student Work (WelTec Interactivity)
Victoria’s 3d models made virtually real. Using an Oculus Rift for the eyes and a Makey Makey and Playdoh for the legs.
Student Work (WelTec Interactivity)
Ian’s models brought to life through using a Leap Motion (to grab objects) and a Wii Balance Board (to move).
Student Work (WelTec Interactivity)
Troy’s project using Wii Controller in a pocket to sense when the viewer is walking. This then drives the animation forward. The animation is about the practices around the coffee making process in Ethiopia.
Playing finished Scratch games on Arcade Machine
Playing games we made on our new Arcade Machine.
Bee Counter
Digital Counter I made to find the flow of traffic going in and out of the beehives at Te Aro School. Made with an Arduino, a PIR sensor and an LCD Shield. The students should be able to compare data…
Student Work (WelTec Interactivity)
Troy’s project
Student Work (WelTec Interactivity)
Victoria’s project
Student Work (WelTec Interactivity)
Troy’s Project
Technobabble office
This was my office space on Cuba Street. I love our office wall.
Student Work (Weltec Interactivity)
Luke’s Musical Beans using a Makey Makey.
WelTec Interactivity – Week Five Summary
* Introduction to video mapping * Introduction to live video-art performance * TASK: Research and write blog post on Interactive-Art history. * Work on Projects
WelTec Interactivity – Week Four Summary
* Introduction to Arduino Micro-controllers * Introduction to Wiring programming * TASK: Experiment with Arduinos to power lights, speakers * Work on projects
WelTec Interactivity – Week Three Summary
* Programming in Unity * Introduction to Visual Patching Languages * Introduction to MIT’s Scratch Visual Programming Language * Work on project
WelTec Interactivity – Week Two Summary
* Further discussion into adoption of interactivity in current projects * Introduction into coding using the artist coding language – processing.org * Introduction to other interactive software – vvvv, PureData, Max(MSP), MIT Scratch. * Task: Create interactive “toy” using processing.js…
WelTec Interactivity – Week One Summary
Brief introduction to different techniques Class trip to Te Papa to look at the interactivity in use at the dinosaur exhibition Task: Create alternative game controllers using Makey Makeys Introduction to creating environments in Unity Tested 3d and motion capture…
Student Work – A pyramid built with Minetest
A Mesoamerican pyramid built by Brooklyn School students in 40 minutes using Minetest (an open source alternative to Minecraft)
Student Work – Looping video gifs
Making looping animated gifs from YouTube videos using Gifcam.
A font made by students at Te Aro School
A font made at Te Aro School.
VR Fiji Screenshots
View More...VR Fiji ScreenshotsStudent Work – Animated Gifs
Two Maori Legends and a trip through our solar system by Year 3 students at Te Aro School. Using Stykz.
VR Fiji – Reference Images
It was difficult to put together the Island as there were no detailed or topographical maps. I was working off a crude Google Earth interpretation. These were some development images as I tried to figure out the layout.