VJ Software Interface Development
Now with clouds, the guard house and a llama.
This video on Twitter had quite an immediate visceral reaction, from its viewers. Perhaps with you as well. The responses on Twitter were very binary: “No, just no” “I haven’t seen a class of kids so engaged in my teaching…
A well written Learning Outcome is crucial to what we do, but the process of making them can be tedious and it can sometimes feel that we are turning our expansive field of interest into something clinical, dry and scientific.…
A tutor came to my department looking for a better way to simplify an activity she had been doing in her courses. She had a favourite interactive CD that she had to borrow from the Library at the start of…
A compilation of some of the famous models used in learning design. I made none of these. This was for sticking up on the wall next to me.
Recreating Peeking Man’s Room that Echoes. Using Touch Designer and a Kinect. The final version should be projected on a large screen.
Recently I found this clip from 1973 in the documentary BBS: The Documentary (2005). “A highly interactive graphic based individualized computer-based education system” “self-paced and tailored to the needs of each individual student”. It is the dream of many an…
A scene from the terrible movie “Better off Dead” that really demonstrates the problems of traditional chalk and talk teaching.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Building on this pearl of Confucian wisdom, Dr Christian Schott—with contributions by Maciu Raivoka from Victoria University’s Centre for Lifelong Learning and Alan Proctor-Thomson…
A document for tutors on the redesign I did of the Course pages. Files to edit.
Giving students their own digital domain is a radical act. It gives them the ability to work on the Web and with the Web, to have their scholarship be meaningful and accessible by others. It allows them to demonstrate their…
I love the experience of watching movies nearly as much as the movies themselves. In our new house there was enough space in the laundry area to build a small movie theatre. It had previously been a model railroad environment…
A pretty definitive list of about 150 Christmas movies, that I pieced together from a few locations. Make sure to change views, filters and sorting. Christmas Movie Selector
The initial planning for our Light Nelson piece called ArtSpark: Joy. A collaborative piece by Janja Heathfield, Kim Ireland and Burnt Pixel.