Alan Proctor-Thomson

Alan Proctor-Thomson

Troy’s Button

Please upgrade your browser to something new like Google Chrome. //Made with ProcessingLyon Tumblrify: //English Version: En int buttonWidth = 120; int buttonHeight = 50; int buttonX = 130; int buttonY = 170; int buttonWasPressed = 0; void setup()…

WelTec Interactivity – Week Two Summary

* Further discussion into adoption of interactivity in current projects * Introduction into coding using the artist coding language – * Introduction to other interactive software – vvvv, PureData, Max(MSP), MIT Scratch. * Task: Create interactive “toy” using processing.js…

Alan’s button example

Please upgrade your browser to something new like Google Chrome. //Made with ProcessingLyon Tumblrify: //English Version: En void setup() { size(400, 400); noStroke(); background(250,250,250); } void draw() { //hover rect(20, 300, 120, 50, 10); if(mouseX > 20 & mouseX…